Valentines Day Card For Girlfriend And Boyfriend

Valentines Day Card For Girlfriend And Boyfriend

Valentines Day Card For Girlfriend And Boyfriend

Huge people are waiting for this day for valentines day so this because on that they they spend time with there love one tell there emotions and make them feel better and happy.

Valentines Day Card

Valentines Day is a day of love, 
so mum, I want to say that no-one gives more love than you, 
You brighten everyday. 
You deserve my undying love, 
You earned it from the start. 
So on Valentines Day I give to you. 
A very special place in my heart!

I love you. 
You complete my heart, my soul and my life. 
I will always love you, come what may. 
You are the joy in my laughter and oxygen in every breath. 
Dont ever forget me.

Your eyes, your smile. 
Your touch, your kiss. 
Your promise, your words. 
Our everlasting bliss. 
Happy Valentine Day!

Your love surrounds me like the air that I breathe. 
Your kiss touches me as gentle as a breeze. 
Your touch is as tender as that of a child. 
Your hug is warm, meek, and mild. 
Each day we grow older and its plain to see, 
The love that you give me is all that I need. 
Happy Valentine Day!

Valentines Day Card For Girlfriend And Boyfriend Valentines Day Card For Girlfriend And Boyfriend Reviewed by Unknown on 19:57 Rating: 5

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